Free Funeral Program Google Docs Templates - Page 2
The Military Funeral Program Template for Google Docs is designed for organizing the funeral ceremony of law enforcement officers, military personnel, and public servants.
The background of this editable template is stylized to resemble marble. In addition to information about the burial site, you can specify the names of prayers and hymns that will be sung during the service.
The Catholic Funeral Program Template for Google Docs is designed in a vintage style. Its main feature is an intricate border, as if taken from the pages of Christian medieval manuscripts.
This double-sided template has a simple yet stylish design. One side of the card is occupied by a full-page photo of the deceased, while the other side is reserved for text. On the backside, you can specify who will be speaking and in what order during the service.
The Religious Funeral Program Template for Google Docs, in a minimalist design, is created for Christians, as evidenced by the image of a cross at the top of the page. The front side of the template is where the main information about the burial ceremony is placed.
This template stands out with its unusual text formatting. On a dark gray background, there is a white block in a figured frame where all the necessary information about the ceremony is added.
The Jewish Funeral Program Template for Google Docs is specifically designed for people practicing Judaism. The designers considered the traditions of this religion when creating the template, as evidenced by the depiction of a menorah on the second page of the template.
Use this template to inform friends, relatives, and acquaintances of the deceased about the date of the burial ceremony. A large photo occupies most of the page, with text in white placed below on a green background.
The Universal Funeral Program Template for Google Docs is suitable for representatives of all religious denominations. You can place a photo of the deceased in the center.
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